Tomorrow is a holiday. A respite, for many of you, from the toil of work or school. But as you savor this extra day of rest, take a moment to reflect on what this day means.
Monday, January 15th, we celebrate the life, struggle and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. One of the greatest men of the century, of our time. His dream to unite all people regardless of color has still yet to come to complete fruition, but it's a dream he lost his life for, and for that reason alone we should honor him in the way befitting such a noble man.
Let us take the time to reflect on how his Dream affected our individual and collective lives. Let us ponder how or lives, again, individually and collectively, would be different if Dr. King had not had a Dream.
All the enthusiasm that you gather up for President's Day; all of the patriotism that you show for Independence Day; all of the nostalgia and pride that surfaces for Veteran's Day, Memorial Day--remember to apply all of that and more in the rememberance of Dr. King.
Because although there are those that take his legacy for granted, there are those of us who can not, for we are reminded of his struggle every day of our lives.